How to: Procrastinate Procrastination
Procrastinators never die
I have been a procrastinator all my life. Thus far, I have seen people changing their lives upside down only to try and become better versions of themselves. Well, these people can be inspiring, demotivating, or both in some cases.
An overweight friend of mine is now a fitness instructor, another friend who was a slacker back in the school days completed his masters from Harvard. I know you have heard more such anecdotes every now and then. I always saw these as a gimmick or thought the reason for such overly positive changes were external, like the person becoming the fitness instructor found the right mentor, the friend graduating from Harvard reached there just because he had enough money to pay Tuition fees, these were the ideas I came up with to pacify my self and justify my inactions.
When you see people around you grow, either you get motivated to make changes in your life, or as a procrastinator, you try to find a reason why you can’t make the changes you want to make in your life.
A simple Thought Experiment
If I give you Rs X0,000 a month extra, from my own pocket, will that improve your life? Think about this for a minute.
If so how?
Will you hire a personal trainer and nutritionist who can help you get fit or buy an online course to upskill or will buy some other service or product that will make your life better?
Whatever your answer is, I have 2 questions for you to ponder upon.
1)Who is stopping you from going on and earning that extra money, I hypothetically gave you?
2)Who will have to do the exercise or follow a diet routine or spend time upskill or use that product or service that you plan to buy that will magically transform your life?
Now with my secret Magic powers, I will read your mind and tell you the answer you are thinking.
The answer is ME, not me, its you.
If I got that right you are halfway through to transform your life, If my guess was wrong and your answer is different, I would want to know what your answer is, please email me at
Let’s Rewind
Coming back to the first question.
If your problem isn’t the extra money, skip this paragraph and move ahead.
With the vast amount of resources at our fingertips now, just like the device you are reading this article on, it has never been easier to earn some extra bucks with a side hustle.
If you don’t want a side hustle, what's stopping you from applying to the other job you have been thinking about for a while now? I know the procrastinator in you feels triggered now.
No one is going to give you those extra few thousands that would make your life better for free, you can watch all the inspiring videos or read more such articles like you are reading now, in the end, you will have to do it on your own.
The chances of you winning a lottery are 0.0000000715 sorry to burst your bubble, even to verify this fact you will have to make the effort yourself, or just believe me blindly, again the choice is yours in the end.
With the first question out of the way let’s talk about the second question, the magical life-altering product or service.
How many self-help books have you read till now? Has any book helped you become better just by reading it and not doing anything else?
A teacher can’t teach you until you want to be taught. The first step and all the steps further have to be taken by you.
There is no magic potion that can alter your life magically, changes need to be made 1 by 1, however small they are. Setting a goal and working towards it is the only way forward.
Momentum is underrated
If you start making small positive changes in your life, you start building a positive momentum of change. Once you start getting a feel of things changing, it can become addictive.
If you try to improve anything by 1% every day you will have improved 37X in a year. By the time you reach the goal that you have set for yourself, you would have procrastinated procatination.